Because in an ideal world, you’d have sales rolling in, a team to make and ship everything, a social media manager that turned posts into sales, and a waitlist of customers who are eager to buy your products (because, well, they keep selling out in minutes). You’d be relaxing on vacation somewhere while watching the sales ping your phone, and your team would be doing all the work.
But that’s not happening yet, is it?
If anything, sales trickle in slowly, and most days, you’re putting in more and more work to put your product out there only to feel like no one even sees it, let alone is buying it. You keep making more products and watch the shelves fill up, hoping that one of your product ideas will be “the thing” that takes your biz to the next level.
It’s not that you’re not working hard enough or that your products are not amazing...something is just not working in your business right now. If only you could know more, have a plan, and grow your followers and customers, you’d be in business (literally).
It’s easy to feel like you need to figure it all out on our own. That’s what we used to do, and it was the loneliest, most ineffective thing we’ve ever done...